Large Wheat Flour Plant Launched in Ak Bugday Etrap

Large Wheat Flour Plant Launched in Ak Bugday Etrap
The new plant with a capacity of 300 tons of flour per day created 50 local jobs.

Wheat flour manufacturing plant with an annual capacity of 93 thousand tons of flour started its operation in the Ak Bugday etrap of Ahal velayat on Monday.

The enterprise belongs to Yurtgeldi Shukurov, a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, and was built on one portion of his 3 hectare land.

The plant produces high-quality flour by processing selected domestically grown wheat and after packaging them in 50 kg, 45 kg, 25 kg, 10 kg, 5 kg and 2 kg containers, distributes the products to consumers.

“In the near future, as part of the second phase of production, I plan to build a facility for the production of bread,” Shukurov said. “The commissioning of the bakery will create an opportunity for the production of 10 thousand tons of bread per year.”

The new plant with a capacity of 300 tons of flour per day created 50 local jobs.

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