SCRMET Deals Net $19.7 Million in Mazut Sales

SCRMET Deals Net $19.7 Million in Mazut Sales
Moment from the trading on the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan

Trading on the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan (SCRMET) this Thursday came to a close with the acquisition of low-sulfur mazut by representatives from the business communities of Malta, the United Arab Emirates, and Afghanistan, totaling $19.7 million, SCRMET reports.

Entrepreneurs from the UAE and Afghanistan concluded a deal to purchase hydrotreated diesel fuel for $3.43 million.

Representatives of business communities from Afghanistan and Türkiye acquired grade "B" urea produced by the state concern Türkmenhimiýa (Turkmen Chemicals).

At the exchange trading, an entrepreneur from Germany purchased SN-180 base oil for a total amount of $1.42 million.

Last week, the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan concluded deals worth $35.7 million.